战略计划 (2020 - 2025)

On December 2019, The 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 校董会 approved the 2020-2025年战略规划

As the University works to reach higher levels in all aspects of teaching and learning, we recognize that our human capital is the key to propelling this exceptional academic institution and its constituents to levels of success.


188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 will be recognized for innovations in teaching and research, 社区发展和公民参与. 我们将提倡卓越、合乎道德的领导, entrepreneurship, and social and 环境al justice. 我们将拥抱,参与,教育, propel and elevate our students and community to transform lives locally and globally.


188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 transforms students’ lives by innovative teaching, research, and community partnerships through excellence in ethical leadership, cultural enhancement, 经济发展,正义.

  • 个人和学业卓越
  • 个人、专业和学术诚信
  • 多样性、公平和包容
  • Leadership, service, philanthropy, social justice, and entrepreneurship
  • 创造性和创新思维和学习能力
  • 以自我、社区和大学为荣
  • 终身学习
战略目标 & 目标
Goal 1 Academic Excellence, Innovation and Student Transformation
A positive student 经验 and transformation will be at the center of decision 使. Strengthen the institutional policies and structures that support and enhance academic innovation in undergraduate, graduate and professional studies; support student/faculty 研究和促进教职员工的发展. 


  1. Develop and implement a five-year strategic plan for undergraduate and graduate programs that aligns with workforce demands and the changing higher education landscape
  2. Engage all students in program and campus activities that promote readiness for the workplace, advanced study, or research and lifelong learning 
  3. Implement and sustain financial, structural, and other substantive support for faculty research, scholarship, professional development, continuing education, and active 参与专业组织

Develop and implement recruitment, retention and progression strategies that seeks to encourage innovative and collaborative efforts between academic and non-academic units in efforts to ensure student success in the various programs of study.

  1. 识别, enhance, and expand partnerships with local schools and community organizations 提高入学率
  2. Effectively implement, sustain use of CRM to use and develop human capital and technology   
  3. Assess and increase the diversification of enrollment and enrollment criteria. 识别 new markets and enrollment criteria to diversify student population
  4. Annually evaluate and modify 25% of course delivery systems to meet student needs
  5. Develop and effectively communicate requirements for successful progression, retention, and timely degree completion to increase 6-year graduation rate 
Goal 3 University Culture, Climate and Accountability 
Create, communicate, and sustain an inclusive and welcoming university climate that fosters an institution that is ethically and socially responsible.
  1. Enhance and develop excellent service for customer satisfaction 
  2. Implement  branding and marketing of CSU that recognizes distinctive programs and 在科罗拉多州立大学的经历 
  3. Maintain  processes that encourage and promote shared governance 
  4. Create a process that measures and maintains a professional and satisfactory work 环境
Improve and maintain the physical, technological and operational infrastructures that 支持大学的所有职能.
  1. Develop and implement a systematic plan that defines annual upgrades to campus facilities and space to support teaching, scholarship, and creative activities 
  2. Develop and implement a systematic plan that defines annual upgrades to technology 大学的能力. Evaluate and upgrade systems annually to enhance and 维护校园社区安全
  3. Develop and implement a systematic plan for annual upgrades for healthy and 环境ally 可持续建筑
Goal 5 Cost Efficiencies and Diverse Revenue Streams
Ensure the University has the resources to support the academic mission and student 经验.
  1. Create and implement a comprehensive five-year financial plan that supports the mission ,并提高成本效益
  2. Increase the culture of giving and fundraising among all CSU stakeholders
  3. Increase fiscal literacy among the faculty, staff and students 
  4. Establish partnerships with local schools, educational entities, and local park districts 增加注册和证书选项   
  5. 识别 and expand year over year the revenue sources in the departments and service 校园单位
Goal 6 Community Service, Urban Leadership and Economic Engagement
Create partnerships, engage and assist our local community through service, urban leadership, economic development activities, and mutually beneficial partnerships.
  1. Increase university-wide service activities of employees and students 
  2. Engage community leaders and promote equity, educational and economic opportunities 支持CSU的任务 
  3. Through the Center for Solutions of Urban Populations, increase educational outcomes, improve health and well-being, and address disparity issues